Category Archives: Hawaii

I Go Back: Oahu – Beach Motivation


I recently told you about my trip to Oahu in 2009.  At the time of that trip I was newly on a fitness regimen.  Let me  also tell you that by nature I just am not one of those that works out on vacation. So it’s anyone’s guess why I opted to pack sneakers and my Sigg bottle for this trip.

But, I did.

I’m so glad I did.

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I Go Back: Oahu – Honolulu and Waikiki Beach


I had a terrific opportunity to go to Hawaii in April 2009 to visit my friend. Somehow agreeable to sending me off to paradise on my own, my dear husband chauffeured me to the airport… and off I went.  After a weekend stopover  in San Francisco, I headed for the island of Oahu. Read the rest of this entry

Tropical Blooms (Slideshow)


I am always in awe in the islands when I see such beautiful flowers that just naturally grow there; fragrant plumeria trees on Oahu whose blossoms fall to the lawns and land on the beach…. seems almost wasteful; a sunny yellow hibiscus bloom at the Dole plantation… just as much part of the destination as a pineapple whip, no?; the hot pink bougainvillea at the Hell attraction (ironic?) or the assorted blossoms at the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park  on Grand Cayman. And every summer, while the weather is right for them, bright hibiscus and intoxicating gardenia on my  own”Tiki Deck”.

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